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Grímsnes- og Grafningshreppur vinnur að innleiðingu rafrænna reikninga fyrir Evrópska Normið (EN)

Innleiðing rafrænna reikninga
We want to announce that we are participating in the ICELAND-INV18 project. The objective of the project is to foster both the eInvoicing capacity building and the number of public entities and service provider profiles in Iceland. In order to fulfill these objectives, we will prepare our ERP system to comply with the European Standard (EN) on the electronic invoice.
The adoption of the Directive 2014/55/EU is mandatory for European public institutions, and the use of eInvoices in B2G public procurement is recommended by the Icelandic Government (Regulation 505/2013 and the Declaration of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Feb. 2014).
Since in Iceland the use of eInvoices in B2G public procurement was not compulsory till now, but only recommended for economic operators when submitting electronic invoices, and for central, regional and local contracting authorities when receiving and processing them, this project will have a huge benefits for all public and private parties, such are reduction of processing costs and time, reduction of storage costs, reduction of printing and postage costs, in order to increase productive and innovative efficiency.

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Síðast uppfært 13. janúar 2020
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